SenseKey - Simplifying the Selection of Key Management Schemes for Sensor Networks

TitleSenseKey - Simplifying the Selection of Key Management Schemes for Sensor Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsR. Roman, J. Lopez, C. Alcaraz, and H. Hwa Chen
Conference Name5th International Symposium on Security and Multimodality in Pervasive Environments (SMPE’11)
Date PublishedMarch
Conference LocationSingapore

Key Management Schemes (KMS) are a very important security mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), as they are used to manage the credentials (i.e. secret keys) that are needed by the security primitives. There is a large number of available KMS protocols in the literature, but it is not clear what should network designers do to choose the most suitable protocol for the needs of their applications. In this paper, we consider that given a certain set of application requirements, the network designer can check which properties comply with those requirements and select the KMS protocols that contains those particular properties. Therefore, we study the relationship between requirements and properties, and we provide a web tool, the SenseKey tool, that can be used to automatically obtain an optimal set of KMS protocols.

Citation KeyRoman11SK
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