Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Do We Need a Complete Integration?

TitleWireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Do We Need a Complete Integration?
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsC. Alcaraz, P. Najera, J. Lopez, and R. Roman
Conference Name1st International Workshop on the Security of the Internet of Things (SecIoT’10)
Date PublishedDecember
Conference LocationTokyo (Japan)
ISSN Numberxxxx

Wireless sensor networks (WSN) behave as a digital skin, providing a virtual layer where the information about the physical world can be accessed by any computational system. As a result, they are an invaluable resource for realizing the vision of the Internet of Things (IoT). However, it is necessary to consider whether the devices of a WSN should be completely integrated into the Internet or not. In this paper, we tackle this question from the perspective of security. While we will mention the different security challenges that may arise in such integration process, we will focus on the issues that take place at the network level.

Citation Keycalcaraz10
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