Digital Witness: Safeguarding Digital Evidence by using Secure Architectures in Personal Devices

TitleDigital Witness: Safeguarding Digital Evidence by using Secure Architectures in Personal Devices
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsA. Nieto, R. Roman, and J. Lopez
JournalIEEE Network
PublisherIEEE Communications Society
ISSN Number0890-8044
KeywordsDigital Evidence, Identity Delegation, IoT-Forensics, Secure Element

Personal devices contain electronic evidence associated with the behaviour of their owners and other devices in their environment, which can help clarify the facts of a cyber-crime scene. These devices are usually analysed as containers of proof. However, it is possible to harness the boom of personal devices to define the concept of digital witnesses, where personal devices are able to actively acquire, store, and transmit digital evidence to an authorised entity, reliably and securely. This article introduces this novel concept, providing a preliminary analysis on the management of digital evidence and the technologies that can be used to implement it with security guarantees in IoT environments. Moreover, the basic building blocks of a digital witness are defined.

Citation Keyieeenet16-nrl
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