An User Authentication Infrastructure for Extranet Applications

TitleAn User Authentication Infrastructure for Extranet Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsJ. Lopez, A. Mana, and J. J. Ortega
Conference NameIEEE International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology
Date PublishedOctober
PublisherIEEE Press
Conference LocationMadrid, Spain

An Extranet is used to connect businesses with their suppliers, customers or other businesses that share common goals in a way that automates their administrative interactions using Internet technology. The security of the communications over Internet is considered an essential feature. To guarantee secure operation the aid of some user authentication infrastructure is needed. This paper introduces a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and user identification scheme to be used in extranet applications. The flexibility of the system allows it to fit the usual hierarchical organization structure.

Citation KeyJavierLopez1999b
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