Incompatibilidades entre Propiedades de los Protocolos de Intercambio Equitativo de Valores

TitleIncompatibilidades entre Propiedades de los Protocolos de Intercambio Equitativo de Valores
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsM. Payeras, J. L. Ferrer Gomila, L. Huguet Rotger, and J. A. Onieva
Conference NameVI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL’07)
PublisherUniversidad de Malaga

Sets of ideal properties are defined for different kinds of protocols designed for e-commerce applications. These sets are used as a start point in the design and then as a tool to evaluate the quality of the protocols. This is the case of fair exchange protocols and their application to electronic contract signing and certified electronic mail. However, in this area does not exist an agreement about which properties are ideal. Instead we can find properties described by different authors to his convenience. We illustrate the contradictions that appear between some of these properties.

Citation KeyM.MagdalenaPayerasCapella2007