Strong Authentication of Humans and Machines in Policy Controlled Cloud Computing Environment Using Automatic Cyber Identity

TitleStrong Authentication of Humans and Machines in Policy Controlled Cloud Computing Environment Using Automatic Cyber Identity
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsN. Libor, T. Halman, R. Pavel, A. Boettcher, J. Stecklina, M. Sojka, D. Nuñez, and I. Agudo
EditorN. Pohlmann, H. Reimer, and W. Schneider
Conference NameInformation Security Solutions Europe 2012
Date Published2012
PublisherSpringer Vieweg
Conference LocationBrussels, Belgium
ISBN Number978-3-658-00332-6

The paper describes the experience with integration of automatic cyber identity technology with policy controlled virtualisation environment. One identity technology has been used to enable strong authentication of users (human beings) as well as machines (host systems) to the virtualization management system. The real experimental evaluation has been done in PASSIVE project (Policy-Assessed system-level Security of Sensitive Information processing in Virtualised Environments - SEVENTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME THEME ICT-2009.1.4 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES - Small or medium-scale focused research project - Grant agreement no.: 257644).

Citation Keyneumann2012strong

Supported by PASSIVE