The 16th IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing (DASC 2018), pp. 536-543, 08/2018. DOI

In the current telecommunications landscape, different devices, systems and platforms are constantly communicating with each other. This heterogeneous environment creates the perfect situation for attacks to pass from one platform to another. This is a particularly worrying scenario, because of the new technologies being used (such as network slicing in 5G), the increasing importance of connected devices in our lives (IoT), and the unpredictable consequences that an attack of this type could have. The current approaches in attack analysis do not take into account these sitations, and the attacker/victim paradigm usually followed may fall short when dealing with these attacks. Thus, in this paper, an architecture for the analysis of cross-platform attacks will be presented, aiming to help understand better this kind of threats and offering solutions to mitigate and track them.

XIV Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 168-173, 10/2016.

En la Internet de los Objetos (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés), los ataques pueden ser perpetrados desde dispositivos que enmascaran su rastro ayudándose de la densidad de objetos y usuarios. Actualmente la idea de que los dispositivos de usuario almacenan evidencias que pueden ser muy valiosas para frenar ataques es bien conocida. Sin embargo, la colaboración de éstos para denunciar posibles abusos telemáticos aún está por definir. Los testigos digitales son dispositivos concebidos para definir la participación de dispositivos de usuario en una cadena de custodia digital. La idea es que las evidencias se generan, almacenan y transfieren siguiendo los requisitos marcados por las normas actuales (p.ej. UNE 71505), pero respetando las restricciones en recursos de los dispositivos. En este artículo proponemos una arquitectura funcional para la implementación del concepto de testigo digital en dispositivos heterogéneos de la IoT.

Security and Communication Networks (SCN) Journal, vol. 7, issue 12, Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2778-2803, 2013. DOI

Motivated by the growing convergence of diverse types of networks and the rise of concepts such as Future Internet (FI), in this paper we analyse the coexistence of security mechanisms and Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms in resourceconstrained networks, that are relevant types of networks within the FI environment. More precisely, we analyse the current state of the research on security and QoS in the integration of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) and cellular networks. Furthermore, we propose a taxonomy to identify similarities among these technologies, as well as the requirements for network interconnection. As a result, we define a dependency-based model for the analysis of Security and QoS tradeoff, and also define a high-level integration architecture for networks in the FI setting. The final goal is to provide a critical point of view that allows to assess whether such an integration of networks can be both secure and efficient.