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J. A. Onieva, J. Zhou, and J. Lopez, "Non-repudiation Protocols for Multiple Entities",
Computer Communications, vol. 27, no. 16, pp. 1608-1616, 2004. (I.F.: 0.574)More..


Non-repudiation is a security service that provides cryptographic evidence to support the settlement of disputes. In this paper, we introduce the state-of-the-art of non-repudiation protocols for multiple entities. We extend an existing multi-party non-repudiation (MPNR) protocol to allow an originator to send different messages to many recipients in a single transaction. We further propose an optimistic multi-party non-repudiation protocol for exchange of different messages. The performance of our protocols with enhanced functionalities is still promising in comparison with existing MPNR protocols.

Impact Factor: 0.574
Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2004)

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