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Filters: Author is Jose A. Montenegro and First Letter Of Title is B  [Clear All Filters]
E. Dawson, J. Lopez, J. A. Montenegro, and E. Okamoto, "BAAI: Biometric Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure",
IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ITRE’03), IEEE, pp. 274-278, 2003. DOI More..


The combined use of authorization and authentication infrastructures has led to AAIs (authorization and authentication infrastructures). These new infrastructures supply identification and authorization services to a distributed environment There are many possibilities of linkages to get AAIs; one of them is to include the PMI (privilege management infrastructure) as authorization infrastructure and an authentication infrastructure that can be a PKI (public key infrastructure) or kerberos. This symbiosis gives service to applications and servers. However, in physical environments where the physical presence of an individual is required, it is necessary to use biometric systems. This paper describes the development of a solution that combines the relationship between the biometric based systems and the PMIs to finally obtain the biometric AAI.

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