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I. Agudo, C. Fernandez-Gago, and J. Lopez, "Concurrent access control for multi-user and multi-processor systems based on trust relationships",
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 21, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 1389-1403, July, 2009. DOI (I.F.: 1.004)More..


Concurrent access control is an old problem in many fields in Computer Science. It has been solved in many languages and systems, using mechanisms like monitors or priority queues. Nowadays computers implement multi-core capabilities. This means that they are virtually capable of execution of processes in parallel. This requires new techniques and open new issues in the field of concurrent access control. Moreover, most operating systems are multi-user; thus, we have to focus on a multi-processor multi-user scenario. Trust becomes a paramount aspect when building distributed applications; the same applies on a lower scale in modern computers. We propose the use of a trust graph that keeps record of the trust relationships of the system and helps in deciding on concurrent access requests. The information encoded in the graph will be used both in order to decide on the access requests and to order granted requests in terms of their associated trust level

Impact Factor: 1.004
Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2009)

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I. Agudo, D. Nuñez, G. Giammatteo, P. Rizomiliotis, and C. Lambrinoudakis, "Cryptography Goes to the Cloud",
1st International Workshop on Security and Trust for Applications in Virtualised Environments (STAVE 2011), C. Lee, J-M. Seigneur, J. J. Park, and R. R. Wagner Eds., Communications in Computer and Information Science 187, Springer, pp. 190-197, June, 2011. DOI More..


In this paper we identify some areas where cryptography can help a rapid adoption of cloud computing. Although secure storage has already captured the attention of many cloud providers, offering a higher level of protection for their customer’s data, we think that more advanced techniques such as searchable encryption and secure outsourced computation will become popular in the near future, opening the doors of the Cloud to customers with higher security requirements.

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J. A. Onieva, I. Agudo, J. Lopez, G.. Drapper-Gil, and M.F.. Hinarejos, "Como proteger la privacidad de los usuarios en Internet. Verificación anónima de la mayoría de edad",
XII Reunión Española sobre Criptología y Seguridad de la Información - RECSI 2012, Mondragon, pp. 297-302, Sep 2012. More..
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R. Ocaña, and I. Agudo, "Comunicaciones VoIP cifradas usando Intel SGX",
V Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC), 06/2019. More..


Cada día es más frecuente encontrar servicios en internet gestionados desde plataformas online y con la expansión de la tecnología IoT, los smartphones, las smartTV y otros tantos dispositivos: la autenticación, la distribución y al fin y al cabo, la comunicación entre extremos puede verse seriamente comprometida si dicha plataforma es atacada. La inclusión de nuevas medidas de seguridad en este tipo de ecosistemas requiere de un cambios sustancial de la arquitectura subyacente en muchos casos, por lo que su avance es lento. 
En este trabajo se trata de forma concreta el desarrollo de una alternativa OpenSource a uno de estos servicios, la telefonía IP (VoIP), que esta expandiéndose cada día más, empezando por redes locales y privadas y llegando a grandes centralitas de conmutación de tele operadoras, consiguiendo así una transmisión de voz segura extremo a extremo transparente para los servidores VoIP, que no requiera modificar la infraestructura subyacente.

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