CYBERCAMP - UMA CIBERSEC+ PAST PROJECTS IoT Trust Model and Management Framework NuCypherUSP: NuCypher University Staking Program Big(PRIV)DATA: Private and Trustworthy Platform for Big Data Infrastructures SecureDGE: Security Services Platform for the Protection of Edge Scenarios eMAPA 4.0: Advanced Pentesting Platform oriented to manufacturing systems in the field of Industry 4.0 cyberSec4Europe CIES: Cybersecurity assessment and certification methodologies and tools SAVE: Security plAtform for the internet of VEhicles SEALEDGRID: Scalable, trustEd, and interoperAble pLatform for sEcureD smart GRID NERV: Advanced platform for digital investigation of enterprise risk Red de investigación en Ciberseguridad y Privacidad SADECEI-4.0: System for Analysis, Detection and Evaluation of Cyber-Attacks in Industry 4.0 Environments Smart and Secure EV-Urban Lab SMOG: Security Mechanisms for fog cOmputinG DISS-IIoT: Design and Implementation of Security Services for the Industrial Internet of Things NeCS: European Training Network for Cyber-security MOTAM: Methods to Optimize Road Transport through Mobile Applications Crypto4BC: Advanced Cryptography for Blockchain Applications
eMAPA 4.0: Advanced Pentesting Platform oriented to manufacturing systems in the field of Industry 4.0
SADECEI-4.0: System for Analysis, Detection and Evaluation of Cyber-Attacks in Industry 4.0 Environments