Security plAtform for the internet of VEhicles
- Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía
- Duration: 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2023
New mobility paradigms have appeared in recent years, and everything suggests that some more are coming. This fact makes apparent the necessity of modernizing the road infrastructure, the signalling elements and the traffic management systems. Many initiatives have emerged around the term Intelligent Transport System (ITS) in order to define new scenarios and requirements for this kind of applications. We even have two main competing technologies for implementing Vehicular communication protocols (V2X), C-V2X and 802.11p, but neither of them is widely deployed yet. This concept has evolved to what is called Internet of Vehicles (IoV). There are many barriers for the massive adoption of those technologies, both at the governance layer and the techincal layer. The SAVE project will try to provide a holistic security approach for the IoV.