Generación de Números Primos mediante Tests de Primalidad Probabilístas

TitleGeneración de Números Primos mediante Tests de Primalidad Probabilístas
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsJ. Lopez, F. Ona, L. Pino, and C. Maraval
Conference NameIV Reunión Española de Criptología (IV REC)
Date PublishedSeptiembre
Conference LocationValladolid, Espa

Nowadays cryptography is present in nearly every aspect of our everyday life, in particular public-key cryptosystems. Some of them have a mathematical foundation of number theory working with big integer numbers. Factoring these numbers is more complex and time-consuming than generating and testing prime numbers; this is the main reason for the strenght of some public key cryptosystems. This paper presents three different probabilistic methods for testing big prime numbers in a reasonable amount of time. A comparison of their efficiency to test prime numbers is also introduced.

Citation KeyJavierLopez1996