
09/08/2023 NICS Lab joins VirusTotal Crowdsourced AI effort

AI analysis engine analyzes Powershell files to understand their behaviour

14/06/2023 NICS Lab analyzes the impact of Malware on Operating Systems

ChromeOS is the only platform that has stopped all analyzed malware samples

13/06/2023 B-Skills European Course for the implementation of training paths on Blockchain

From the 12th to the 16th of June, the city of Malaga will welcome educators from different European countries

26/05/2023 RENIC premia a Juan Enrique Rubio con el premio a la mejor tesis doctoral de 2022

La tesis, dirigida por los profesores Cristina Alcaraz y Javier López, aborda el diseño de un marco de trabajo para la detección y trazabilidad de amenazas persistentes avanzadas

23/05/2023 Cuadernos de Seguridad entrevista a Isaac Agudo sobre su participación en proyectos de investigación de ciberseguridad

En 2020 funda Decentralized Security, startup tecnológica centrada en la intersección de ciberseguridad y blockchain

11/05/2023 NICS Lab participates in the 2nd Huawei Workshop on Building Open Trust Systems

The Workshop raises nontrivial and highly relevant issues related to trustworthiness and trust neutrality.

27/04/2023 Profesoras de la UMA presentan una microred y un sistema para monitorizar la carga de vehículos eléctricos

El Proyecto Smart and Secure EV Urban Lab II forma parte del Plan Propio del Vicerrectorado de Smart Campus

24/04/2023 El proyecto de innovación eMAPA 4.0 automatiza tareas de pentesting para las empresas manufactureras en el ámbito de la Industria 4.0
  • El consorcio formado para llevar a cabo el proyecto eMAPA 4.0, con la participación de la Universidad de Málaga, ha trabajado en el desarrollo de una plataforma automatizada de pentesting.
  • El objetivo es facilitar el acceso a servicios especializados en ciberseguridad a pymes del sector manufacturero que trabajan con un alto nivel de digitalización.

19/04/2023 NICS Lab analiza el impacto del Malware en los Sistemas Operativos

ChromeOS es la única plataforma que ha detenido todas las muestras de Malware analizadas

18/04/2023 Disponible la primera newsletter del Proyecto B-Skills

El proyecto, cofinanciado por el programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea, busca mejorar las capacidades y habilidades básicas en Blockchain.

18/04/2023 El director de NICS Lab entre los mejores investigadores de Informática en la Universidad de Málaga

La posición en el ranking se basa en el índice D de cada científico utilizando datos recopilados de OpenAlex y CrossRef hasta el 21 de diciembre de 2022.

18/04/2023 NICS Lab diseña un marco de integración de los distintos servicios y sistemas de seguridad en SecTwin 5.0

SecTwin 5.0 es un proyecto de I+D financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, dentro del programa AEI, con el apoyo de la Unión Europea a través del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.

18/04/2023 NICS Lab participa en el proyecto eMAPA 4.0

Plataforma avanzada automatización de Pentesting orientada a empresas manufactureras en el ámbito de la Industria 4.0.

18/04/2023 El director de NICS Lab modera la mesa de debate sobre el Clúster de Ciberseguridad Andalucía

La mesa se ha celebrado en el II Congreso de Ciberseguridad de Andalucía, organizado por la Agencia Digital de nuestra región.

18/04/2023 La Universidad de Málaga y Google lanzan la V Edición de Ingeniería Inversa e Inteligencia Malware

El Título de Experto Universitario, organizado por el grupo de investigación NICS Lab y la empresa VirusTotal, se impartirá del 2 de mayo al 13 de julio en formato online

19/01/2023 La UMA busca mejorar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de recarga de vehículos eléctricos

La UMA busca mejorar la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de recarga de vehículos eléctricos

19/01/2023 NICS Lab contributes to sustainability in the dynamic and secure management of charging infrastructures and microgrid grids

As indicated in link, the research groups NICS Lab and IPLabs support the environmental protection as part of the commitments of the Plan Propio del Vicerrectorado de Smart-Campus, developing a R&D project, funded by the University of Malaga, to improve and guarantee "cybersecurity and sustainability" through the controlled use of electric vehicle charging infrastructures connected to microgrids.

16/01/2023 La ciberseguridad apuesta por Málaga

La ciberseguridad apuesta por Málaga

29/11/2022 NICS en la Jornada de Blockchain y cultura organizada por la cátedra de la Mobile Week

Miembro de NICS en la Jornada de Blockchain y cultura organizada por la cátedra de la Mobile Week

29/11/2022 NICS Lab y Málaga Tech Park presentan B-skills en la Mobile Week

Miembros de NICS Lab presentan junto a Málaga Tech Park los resultado del proyecto B-skills en la Mobile Week

17/11/2022 Three NICS Lab researchers listed on the "World's Top 2% Scientists" Stanford Database

The University of Stanford has published an update of their "Ranking of the World Scientists: World's Top 2% Scientists" database, which identifies the most influential researchers whose work has been the most cited during their scientific career. In this updated version of this database, three researchers from NICS Lab (Javier Lopez, Cristina Alcaraz, and Rodrigo Roman) are included in the "Information & Communication Technologies" category

05/11/2022 UMA will improve teaching of blockchain technology

NICS Lab (at UMA) together with Malaga Tech Park participate in the BSKILLS Eramus+ project to improve teaching in Blockchain technologies for adult learners

17/06/2022 Miembros de NICS entre las investigadoras de la UMA que entran en el top 5.000 de mujeres destacadas del CSIC

Cristina Alcaraz del grupo NICS entre las investigadoras de la UMA que entran en el top 5.000 de mujeres destacadas del CSIC.

31/03/2022 El proyecto NERV desarrolla una plataforma avanzada de investigación de ciberamenazas

El proyecto NERV desarrolla una plataforma avanzada de investigación de ciberamenazas

29/03/2022 Two PhD students at NICS Lab finish 1st and 2nd in "The Falcon Scavenger Hunt" Challenge

Manuel and Sergio, two of our PhD students, completed "The Falcon Scavenger Hunt" Challenge organized by CrowdStrike at the 1st Cybersecurity Congress of Andalusia in the 1st and 2nd position, respectively.

22/03/2022 Artículo de NICS Lab, publicado en la revista "Future Generation Computer Systems", elegido como "Editor’s Choice paper"

Artículo de NICS Lab, publicado en la revista "Future Generation Computer Systems", elegido como "Editor’s Choice paper"

20/03/2022 NICS en el I Congreso de Ciberseguridad de Andalucía

NICS en el I Congreso de Ciberseguridad de Andalucía

20/03/2022 Málaga, fortaleza pionera de la seguridad en Internet

Málaga, fortaleza pionera de la seguridad en Internet

24/02/2022 Presentación del prototipo de control de acceso para cargadores de vehículos eléctricos en Transfiere 2022

Durante la celebración del Foro Transfiere 2022 en Málaga, el grupo NICS Lab ha presentado el prototio de control de acceso por proximidad usando BLE para cargadores de vehiculos electricos que está siendo desplegado en el campus de la Universidad de Málaga dentro del proyecto Smart and Secure EV Lab

18/11/2021 Premio Carlos Hernández Pezzi a la mejor comunicación científica

Premio Carlos Hernández Pezzi a la mejor comunicación científica.

18/11/2021 Premio “Women in Homeland Security"

Premio “Women in Homeland Security" IEEE SMC TC on Homeland Security, July 27th 2021.

23/09/2021 Entrega premio Carlo Margno 2021

Entrega premio Carlo Margno 2021

02/08/2021 La noche de los investigadores

La noche de los investigadores: NICS como parte del personal investigador de @infoUMA que participa a nivel europeo.

23/07/2021 The EBT Decentralized Security Award

The EBT Decentralized Security, promoted by NICS Lab, distinguished at the 25th edition of the Spin-Off Awards

20/07/2021 NICS Lab participa en el desarrollo de la "Guía sobre Controles de Seguridad en Sistemas OT" del Ministerio de Interior

El pasado 27 de mayo, representantes de la Secretaria de Estado de Seguridad del Ministerio del Interior presentó la “Guía sobre Controles de Seguridad en Sistemas OT“ en el ISMS Forum (Asociación Española para el Fomento de la Seguridad de la Información).

20/07/2021 Curso de verano "Protección de infraestructuras Inteligentes en la Industria 4.0" liderado por NICS Lab e impulsado por FGUMA

El pasado 13 y 14 de julio se ha celebrado el curso de verano "Protección de Infraestructuras Inteligentes en la Industria 4.0" impulsado por la Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga (FGUMA) y codirigido por el Catedrático Javier López junto con Concepción Cordón de la Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Málaga (EMASA).

30/03/2021 Diario Sur - Google ofrece diez becas para alumnas del Título de Experto en Ingeniería Inversa e Inteligencia Malware

Las ayudas, de 1.200 euros, persiguen incrementar la presencia femenina en un ámbito como el de la ciberseguridad, donde las mujeres sólo representan el 11% de la fuerza laboral

03/09/2020 La UMA constituye una empresa tecnológica impulsada por NICS Lab

La empresa está promovida por el profesor Isaac Agudo que forma parte del Departamento de Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática

30/07/2020 CFP: VI Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC 2021)

Las JNIC 2020 se posponen como consecuencia de la situación generada por la pandemia del coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), 
así que desde la organización de JNIC 2020 se ha decidido aplazar su celebración a junio de 2021. 

Las Jornadas se celebrará del 9 al 11 de junio de 2021, 
Ciudad Real – Castilla-La Mancha

17/07/2020 NICS Lab participa en la VII Jornada de Ciberseguridad en Andalucía

NICS Lab participa en la VII Jornada de Ciberseguridad en Andalucía

22/05/2020 NICS Lab participa en el Webinar del Proyecto Europeo Peers to Blockchain

La Vanguardia - NICS Lab participa en el Webinar del Proyecto Europeo Peers to Blockchain

16/01/2020 Diario Sur - La formación y la prevención, claves en el reto de la ciberseguridad

Desayuno organizado por Diario SUR y Telefónica Empresas, para tratar y debatir con expertos del sector, sobre las amenazas, tendencias y retos que tiene por delatnte la ciberseguridad

20/11/2019 6th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS 2020) in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS'20


6th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS 2020) in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS'20

Taipei, Taiwan -- June 1st, 2020


12/11/2019 Second Edition of the Course on Blockchain Technologies

NICS Lab. and the Andalusia Technology Park (PTA) launch a new call to train experts in blockchain with the II University Postgraduate Degree in Blockchain Technologies.

10/10/2019 MOTAM Research project in the news

The results of MOTAM project, developed by NICS Lab in collaboration with Nokia and CryptULL research group from University of La Laguna has been presented to the public in Ada Byron research building.

11/09/2019 BSides Málaga

17/07/2019 IFIPTM Will Winsborough award 2019 to NICS researcher Carmen Fernandez-Gago

IFIPTM Will Winsborough award 2019 to NICS researcher Carmen Fernandez-Gago

12/07/2019 Ciberseguridad y Cibercriminalidad: dos caras de una misma moneda

En colaboración con la Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga (FGUMA)

09/06/2019 Jornadas UAD360

Evento de ciberseguridad celebrado en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Málaga

07/05/2019 La Opinión de Málaga - Oferta formativa en Ciberseguridad

Entrevista sobre la oferta formativa en Málaga en materia de ciberseguridad

12/04/2019 Título de Experto Universitario en Ingeniería Inversa e Inteligencia Malware 2019

Título de Experto Universitario en Ingeniería Inversa e Inteligencia Malware 2019

29/03/2019 NICS Lab participates in the standarization of international Cybersecurity standards


05/03/2019 Tertulias Uciencia 2019

Tertulias Uciencia 2019

28/02/2019 Kick-off of CyberSec4Europe project

NICS participates in the Centre for Competence Centre, CyberSec4Europe. 

22/02/2019 Cybsec-Tech, an integrated platform to defend the healthcare sector from cyber attacks

Mnemo, Aaron and the University of Málaga lead this cybersecurity project, coordinated by OnGranada and co-financed by the Ministry of Industry.

24/01/2019 Submission of the OBDX project to the MOBI Grand Challenge in collaboration with NuCypher

NICS Labs has suscesfully integrated NuCypher technology in the on-board device used in MOTAM project. In the OBDX project, the OBDII data from the vehicle is encrypt locally in the vehicle and sent over the air to any interesed party using the MQTT protocol. Any party willing to access the data can request Alice access to and use the NuCypher network to get access to the decrypted data.

19/01/2019 The 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2019)

C a l l     F o r     P a p e r s

Twenty-fourth European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2019)

Luxembourg -- September  23-27, 2019


29/11/2018 Café con Ciencia

El 20 de Noviembre de 2018 ha tenido lugar una nueva entrega de esta cita anual que pone el foco en el fomento de las vocaciones investigadoras en el alumnado preuniversitario a través del testimonio y las experiencias de quienes hacen ciencia a diario. En esta ocasión, una veintena de expertos de la Universidad de Málaga (UMA) distribuidos en once mesas han dado a conocer su trabajo en temas tan diversos como la ciberseguridad, la biotecnología, el ecosistema de las Islas Galápagos o la enfermedad de Párkinson.


25/05/2018 14th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2018)

CFP: 14th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM 2018) 

12/12/2017 Workshop on Industrial Internet of Things Security (WIIoTS)



02/11/2017 4th ACM Cyber‐Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS’18)

4th ACM Cyber‐Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS’18)

Incheon, Korea, June 4, 2018 (in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS'18)
Submission due:  Jan 20, 2018 (GMT) – firm

19/09/2017 Article about research done in NICS in the Foundation Desqubre magazine

03/06/2017 Best Thesis Award in JNIC 2017 for NICS member David Nuñez

David Nuñez, postdoctoral researcher at NICS Labs, has been honored with the Best Thesis Award in JNIC 2017 (the National Conference on Cybersecurity Research), for his doctoral dissertation, entitled “New Security Definitions, Constructions and Applications of Proxy Re-Encryption”. David defended his thesis on January 2016, with professors Isaac Agudo and Javier Lopez as advisors. 

07/02/2017 Twenty-second European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2017)

C a l l     F o r     P a p e r s

Twenty-second European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2017)

Oslo, Norway -- September  11-15, 2017



07/12/2016 CFP: 3rd ACM Cyber‐Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS’17)

3rd ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS’17)
Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 2, 2017
Conference Outline

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) consist of large-scale interconnected systems of heterogeneous components interacting with their physical environments. There are a multitude of CPS devices and applications being deployed to serve critical functions in our lives. The security of CPS becomes extremely important. This workshop will provide a platform for professionals from academia, government, and industry to discuss how to address the increasing security challenges facing CPS. Besides invited talks, we also seek novel submissions describing theoretical and practical security solutions to CPS. Papers that are pertinent to the security of embedded systems, SCADA, smart grid, and critical infrastructure networks are all welcome, especially in the domains of energy and transportation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Authentication and access control for CPS
- Autonomous vehicle security
- Availability, recovery and auditing for CPS
- Data security and privacy for CPS
- Embedded systems security
- EV charging system security
- Industrial control system security
- Intrusion detection for CPS
- IoT security
- Key management in CPS
- Legacy CPS system protection
- Lightweight crypto and security
- Risk assessment for CPS
- SCADA security
- Security architectures for CPS
- Smart grid security
- Threat modeling for CPS
- Urban transportation system security
- Vulnerability analysis for CPS
- Wireless sensor network security
Important Dates

- Submission due:  Jan 12, 2017
- Notification:  Feb 15, 2017
- Camera-ready due:  Feb 25, 2017
Steering Committee

- Dieter Gollmann (Hamburg University of Technology, Germany) Ravishankar
- Iyer (UIUC, USA)
- Douglas Jones (ADSC, Singapore)
- Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)
- Jianying Zhou (I2R, Singapore) – Chair
Program Chairs

- Jianying Zhou (I2R, Singapore)
-Ernesto Damiani (KUSTAR, UAE)
Publicity Chair

- Cristina Alcaraz (University of Malaga, Spain)
Publication/Web Chair

- Ying Qiu (I2R, Singapore)
Program Committee

- Cristina Alcaraz (University of Malaga, Spain)
- Basel Alomair (KACST, Saudi Arabia)
- Claudio Ardagna (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
- Ioannis Askoxylakis (FORTH, Greece)
- Alvaro Cardenas (University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
- Lorenzo Cavallaro (RHUL, UK)
- Stephen Chai (Thales, Singapore)
- Aldar Chan (University of Hong Kong, HK)
- Binbin Chen (ADSC, Singapore)
- Xiaofeng Chen (Xidian University, China)
- Frédéric Cuppens (Telecom Bretagne, France)
- Nora Cuppens (Telecom Bretagne, France)
- Sebti Foufou (Qatar University, Qatar)
- Aurelien Francillon (EURECOM, France)
- Dieter Gollmann (Hamburg Uni of Tech, Germany)
- Felix Gomez‐Marmol (NEC Labs, Germany)
- Huaqun Guo (I2R, Singapore)
- Jin Han (Twitter, USA)
- Masaki Hashimoto (Institute of Info Security, Japan)
- Matt Henricksen (I2R, Singapore)
- Thomas Hildebrandt (IT Uni of Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Xinyi Huang (FJNU, China)
- Zbigniew Kalbarczyk (UIUC, USA)
- Sokratis Katsikas (NTNU, Norway)
- Shinsaku Kiyomoto (KDDI R&D Labs, Japan)
- Marina Krotofil (Honeywell, USA)
- Hoon Wei Lim (I2R, Singapore)
- Peter Loh (SIT, Singapore)
- Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)
- Xiapu Luo (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HK)
- Michail Maniatakos (NYU-Abu Dhabi, UAE)
- Konstantinos Markantonakis (RHUL, UK)
- Weizhi Meng (DTU, Denmark)
- Chris Mitchell (RHUL, UK)
- Ganesh Narayanan (Ernst & Young, Singapore)
- Surya Nepal (CSIRO, Australia)
- Susan Pancho-Festin (Uni of Philippines, Philippines)
- Michael Papay (Northrop Grumman, USA)
- Axel Poschmann (NXP, Germany)
- Indrakshi Ray (Colorado State University, USA)
- Gritzalis Stefanos (University of the Aegean, Greece)
- Rui Tan (NTU, Singapore)
- William Temple (ADSC, Singapore)
- Nils Ole Tippenhauer (SUTD, Singapore)
- Alberto Trombetta (Università dell'Insubria, Italy)
- Luca Viganò (King’s College London, UK)
- Claire Vishik (Intel, USA)
- Long Wang (IBM Research, USA)
- Yang Xiang (Deakin University, Australia)
- Jia Xu (I2R, Singapore)
- David Yau (SUTD, Singapore)
- Chan Yeob Yeun (KUSTAR, UAE)
- Ye Zhang (Google, USA)
- Peng Zhou (Shanghai University, China)
- Sencun Zhu (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
- Saman Zonouz (Rutgers University, USA)
Submission Instructions

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. All submissions should be appropriately anonymized (i.e., papers should not contain author names or affiliations, or obvious citations). Submissions must be in double‐column ACM SIG Proceedings format, and should not exceed 12 pages. Position papers and short papers of 6 pages describing the work in progress are also welcome. Only pdf files will be accepted. Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be presented at the workshop. At least one author of the paper must be registered at the appropriate conference rate. Accepted papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library. There will also be a best paper award.
Paper submission site:
CPSS Home:

11/05/2016 The 11th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2016)

Paris, France, October 10-12, 2016\
Important Dates:

Submission of full papers: June 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance:  July 15, 2016
Camera-ready papers: September 1, 2016
CRITIS 2016 event: October 10–12, 2016

24/02/2016 Track on Trustworthy Authentication in Pervasive Computing, 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC 2016)

Call for Papers

Trustworthy Authentication in Pervasive Computing (Track)

13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced and Trusted Computing
July 18-21, Toulouse, France



Important Dates:

* Submission: March 11, 2016
* Notification: May 6, 2016
* Camera ready: May 20, 2016

08/09/2015 2nd ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (ACM CPSS’16)

2nd ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop 

Xiían, China - May 30, 2016
(in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS'16)

Important Dates
Submission due:    Dec 5, 2015
Notification:      Feb 15, 2016
Camera-ready due:  March 15, 2016

07/09/2015 PhD students Positions offered (not available)

15 PhD students positions are offered within the ETN Marie Curie NeCS.



07/04/2015 The Eighteenth Information Security Conference (ISC 2015)

Call for Papers: The Eighteenth Information Security Conference (ISC 2015)

16/03/2015 ACM* PE-WASUN 2015, Cancun, Mexico, November 2nd - 6th, 2015

C. Alcaraz is currently organizing the  12th ACM* International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (Jointly with the 18th ACM MSWiM Conference)

04/02/2015 Research project SACO in the news!

Training in Cyberdefense / La formación en Ciberdefensa

03/02/2015 12th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and security in Digital Business 2015

NICS is involved in the organization of the 12th International Conference on Trust, Privacy and security in Digital Business 2015, Valencia (Spain), 1-2 September 2015

03/02/2015 9th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, CRISIS 2014

03/02/2015 Data Protection, Privacy, and Transparency (DPPT'15)

NICS is co-organizing the Data Protection, Privacy, and Transparency (DPPT'15), Hamburg, 29th of May 2015

03/02/2015 ESORICS-2015- Call for Workshops

03/02/2015 The 10th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2015)

NICS participates and collaborates in the organization of the 10th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2015) in Berlin, Germany, October 5–7, 2015.  


19/12/2014 News about the Cristina Alcaraz's fellowship and her stay at RHUL and NICS Lab

Cristina Alcaraz was recently interviewed by the Diario Sur of Malaga so as to know her activities on CAIN and her future perspectives. CAIN is a research project on "Controllability under Adversarial Influence in Critical Information Infrastructures" supported by the Mari Curie COFUND programme "U-Mobility" of the Univerisity of Malaga and the EU 7th Framework Programme grant 246550/COFUND2013-40259.


19/12/2014 News about the SACO project in Uciencia

The NICS Lab at the University of Malaga (UMA) participes in the development of a new cyber-security training simulator together with the COSEC Lab at the University Carlos III (UC3M) and the Indra company. This simulator is aimed to train both professionals and members of the state security forces

27/10/2014 1st Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2015)

1st Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS 2015)

27/10/2014 The 11th Information Security Practice and Experience Conference (ISPEC 2015)

5-8 May 2015, Beijing, China

Important Dates:

Submission Due: 14 December 2014
Notification to Authors: 8 February 2015
Camera-ready Copy Due: 23 February 2015
Conference dates: 5-8 May 2015

28/07/2014 NICS is organizing an A4Cloud tutorial at the IFIP summer school

Organization of an A4Cloud tutorial at IFIP summer school (8th of September 2014), Patras (Greece)

18/02/2014 The LockPic app has been published in the Android Market

LockPic was one of two applications selected in the 1st Android Application Development Contest at the University of Malaga. It has been recently uploaded to the Android Market and there are plans to release an IOS version in the near future.

24/01/2014 NICS will hold the A4Cloud Summer School on Accountability and security in the cloud in June 2014

First A4Cloud summer school in Malaga, June 2014

03/09/2013 8th International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security - CRITIS 2013

8th International Workshop on Critical Information Infrastructures Security - CRITIS 2013

29/08/2013 Internet of Things security article in the most downloaded list of the "Computer Networks" journal

Our article "On the Features and Challenges of Security and Privacy in Distributed Internet of Things", recently published by Computer Networks journal, has been featured in its "most downloaded articles" list. This list provides the most downloaded articles from ScienceDirect in the last 90 days, which indexes all Computer Networks issues starting from 1999.

10/06/2013 BIC/DIMACS/A4Cloud/CSA International Workshop on Trustworthiness, Accountability and Forensics in the Cloud (TAFC 2013) held in Malaga, 6-7 June 2013

The TAFC workshop was held in Malaga on 6-7 June 2013 in conjunction with IFIPTM 2013. The TAFC 2013 workshop brought together international experts from computer science and other disciplines to discuss collectively how public and private sectors as well as the research community can increase the confidence in the use of cloud computing to deploy and use innovative services by citizens and businesses. The TAFC 2013 workshop will not only focus on current on-going research work, but also on future research challenges that need to be addressed by the international research and innovation communities in programmes such as H2020. 

The workshop is a continuation of what began as the EU-US summit series of international workshops. The workshop was sponsored by the EU projects SecurIST, INCO-Trust, BIC and A4Cloud, and th United States National Science Foundation grant on International cooperation on Trustworthy Computing, DIMACS.

03/06/2013 7th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (June 2013)

NICS organized in Málaga the 7th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (3-7 June 2013)

27/05/2013 Spring school on "Trusted & Secure Service Composition"

NICS organized in Málaga the Spring School on "Trusted & Secure Service Composition". Malaga, May 27th-31st of May 2013.

22/05/2013 Wide-Area Situational Awareness for Critical Infrastructure Protection

The article "Businesses Take Cyber Security Seriously" has recently been published by the THE INSTITUTE, the member newspaper of the IEEE, in order to highlight the relevance of protecting information systems against cyber-threats. The vast majority of these systems are integrated inside critical infrastructures to manage their services themselves, such as banks, energy systems, control systems, etc. The article also stresses some interesting cyber-defense solutions which have recently been published in the IEEE Computer Magazine, and among them, our paper "Wide-Area Situational Awareness (WASA) methodological framework for critical infrastructure protection".

03/04/2013 Interview on "Malaga Hoy" about NESSoS project


17/02/2013 News about NESSoS in the Huffington Post

Neelie Kroes, Vice president of the European Comission was interviewed by the Huffington Post. During this interview she was asked about the possible threats one might encounter when using computers. She mentioned the EU is working towards a common research agenda for internet security. In particular, she highlighted how NESSoS was contributing to it by considering security for the Future Internet.

24/12/2012 DEPHISIT research project on Intelligent Transport System approved by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

DEPHISIT project will deliver a hybrid wireless platform for intelligent transport systems. The platform will be demonstrated trough several use cases for road safety, traffic management, valued added services and road-users.

11/12/2012 NICS Lab involvement in FACIES on the news

Today Joly Group has published an interview with some members of NICS Lab regarding our involvement in the FACIES European research project started last September.

27/10/2012 Kick-off meeting of the A4Cloud project

The kick-off meeting of the A4Cloud project took place in Bristol, UK, at the premises of HP Labs, from October 24th to 26th.

30/09/2012 Final review of the PASSIVE project

The PASSIVE project, in which NICS participates, has been successfully reviewed by the EC Commission.

27/09/2012 FACIES project on Critical Infrastructure protection had the kick off meeting in Rome

Last September 26th we had our first meeting in Rome for the FACIES research project, hosted by the University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome.

13/07/2012 NICS Lab visited Incheon University and Technological Park

A delegation from the University of Malaga visited Incheon in order to work together in research proyects. NICS Lab was one of the only 4 research groups selected from the University of Malaga in different disciplines such as Biology, Chemistry and Computer Science.

05/06/2012 Approval of FP7-funded projects A4Cloud and FACIES

A4Cloud (Accountability for Cloud and other Future Internet Services) and FACIES (online identification of Failure and Attack on interdependent Critical InfrastructurES), in which NICS participates, have been approved by the EC Commission in the recent Call 8 of the FP7 program.

02/02/2012 Article in SINC, Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas depending from the Spanish ministry of Economy

SINC, is the first information public agency for science, technology and innovation in Spanish. They produce news, articles and interviews and the audience they target are mainly the scientific community. For this issue they included an article based on the NESSoS. The article focuses on how security will have to be included in the Future Internet.

20/01/2012 3rd International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2012)

NICS Lab organizes the 3rd International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems that will be held in Bertinoro (Italy) on June 26-28, 2012. ISARCS is a symposium in the area of architectural design for dependable, safe and secure systems, which constitutes an exclusive forum for exchanging views on the theory and practice of architecting critical systems.

12/01/2012 Preparados para la ‘Internet de los objetos’

El Network Information and Computer Security Lab (NICS), integrado en el grupo GISUM de la UMA, colabora en un proyecto europeo destinado a sentar las bases de la red del futuro en materia de seguridad.

02/12/2011 NESSoS project passed the first review

The FP7 funded project NESSoS had its first review in December 2011. It was held in Leuven in the premises of KUL. The review was very successful.

08/11/2011 Carmen Fernández Gago participated in the Coffee with Science event at UMA

As part of the week of Science the University of Málaga organized round tables where researchers explained their activities to secondary school students. Carmen Fernandez-Gago participated explaining NICS activities.

06/11/2011 9th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS'11)

The 9th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '11)was held on June 7-10, 2011 in Nerja (Malaga), Spain. It was organized by the "Network, Information and Computer Securty Lab"(NICS)from the Computer Science Department of University of Malaga.

28/06/2011 Organization of STM'11, Copenhage (Denmark)

The 7th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, supported by ERCIM, was held in Copenhage (Denmark) on the 27th-28th of June 2011, in conjunction with IFIPTM'11. Almost 40 papers were submitted and 12 were accepted for submission. The event also included a panel where the new paradigms of trust were discussed. The proceedings will shortly be available in Springer, LNCS series.

05/04/2011 The FP7 project SPIKE finished successfully

The FP7 funded project SPIKE had its final review in April 2011. The review was very successful since all the objectives were achieved as expected. SPIKE provided a collaborative platform for the rapid and easy set-up of enterprises alliance, giving special focus to security.