NICS Lab organizes the 3rd International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems that will be held in Bertinoro (Italy) on June 26-28, 2012. ISARCS is a symposium in the area of architectural design for dependable, safe and secure systems, which constitutes an exclusive forum for exchanging views on the theory and practice of architecting critical systems.
NICS Lab is in charge of organizing the third edition of ISARCS, a symposium on architecting critical systems. Information about previous editions of this symposium can be found at, and at ISARCS is framed within CompArch (, a federated conference series related to Component-Based Software Engineering and Software Architecture. Submissions of interest from both industry and academia, include, but are not limited to, the following main areas: - New paradigm for designing evolving critical systems: extensible architectural description languages; architectural styles; architectural patterns; architectural support for evolution; integrators (wrappers) for dependability; model-driven development; component based development; aspects oriented development; assurance based development; - Testing and analysis of evolving systems: testing; simulation; inspection techniques; type checking; run-time checks; model-checking; theorem proving; fault injection - Architecting fault-tolerant and evolvable critical systems: tolerating architectural mismatches; redundancy and diversity; survivability; error confinement; monitoring; exception handling; self-healing - Combined approaches for architecting evolving and critical systems: integrated processes; combination of methods; interplay of techniques; integration of analysis techniques; the integration of tools; - Relevant domains with critical systems: critical infrastructures; embedded systems; mobile and ubiquitous systems; automotive systems; avionic systems; e-commerce; e-business; e-government; - Industrial needs: reports about industrial case studies, challenges, problems and solutions The symposium will be held in Bertinoro, Italy, from 26th to 28th of June.