The TAFC workshop was held in Malaga on 6-7 June 2013 in conjunction with IFIPTM 2013. The TAFC 2013 workshop brought together international experts from computer science and other disciplines to discuss collectively how public and private sectors as well as the research community can increase the confidence in the use of cloud computing to deploy and use innovative services by citizens and businesses. The TAFC 2013 workshop will not only focus on current on-going research work, but also on future research challenges that need to be addressed by the international research and innovation communities in programmes such as H2020.
The workshop is a continuation of what began as the EU-US summit series of international workshops. The workshop was sponsored by the EU projects SecurIST, INCO-Trust, BIC and A4Cloud, and th United States National Science Foundation grant on International cooperation on Trustworthy Computing, DIMACS.
The TAFC workshop was held in Malaga on 6-7 June 2013 in conjunction with IFIPTM 2013. The TAFC 2013 workshop brought together international experts from computer science and other disciplines to discuss collectively how public and private sectors as well as the research community can increase the confidence in the use of cloud computing to deploy and use innovative services by citizens and businesses. The TAFC 2013 workshop will not only focus on current on-going research work, but also on future research challenges that need to be addressed by the international research and innovation communities in programmes such as H2020.
The workshop is a continuation of what began as the EU-US summit series of international workshops. The workshop was sponsored by the EU projects SecurIST, INCO-Trust, BIC and A4Cloud, and th United States National Science Foundation grant on International cooperation on Trustworthy Computing, DIMACS.
The workshop organizers were
James Clarke, Waterford Institute of Technology - TSSG, (co-chair)
Rebecca Wright, Rutgers University, (co-chair)
Julie Grady, HP Labs Bristol
Aljosa Pasic, ATOS
Siani Pearson, HP Labs Bristol
Keyun Ruan, University College, Dublin (UCD)
The program included talks by different speakers coming from different organizations involved in the event such as National Science Foundation, MIT, Rutgers university or US Naval Research Laboratoty in the US; HP Labs, University College of Dublin or university or ATOS. the non-EU countries collaborating in the BIC project were also represented by India and South Africa.
The program included talks by different speakers coming from different organizations involved in the event such as National Science Foundation, MIT, Rutgers university or US Naval Research Laboratoty in the US; HP Labs, University College of Dublin or university or ATOS. the non-EU countries collaborating in the BIC project were also represented by India and South Africa.