MOTAM Research project in the news

The results of MOTAM project, developed by NICS Lab in collaboration with Nokia and CryptULL research group from University of La Laguna has been presented to the public in Ada Byron research building.

The Ada Byron research building has been chosen by Nokia for the presentation and interactive demonstration of the MOTAM project, a 'low cost' multiplatform system for road safety and traffic management, In whose development the UMA group 'Nics Labs' and the University of La Laguna (Tenerife) have also participated.

A public live demostration has been done in a car prepared for this propourse. In this interactive demostration, attendees could observe how the phone app warns about the next stop traffic sign, the presence of a pedestrian or a bycicle on the road, if the harness of the child seat is not fasten or the child is still on the car when user leaves or the state of the next traffic light, besides recommending what action to take based on the remaining time of the traffic light. In addition to this, attendees could observe how the connected traffic light takes decisions and chages its state when a emergency vehicle is near.

The development of MOTAM project has taken 2 years. NICS Lab has collaborated with this project with the design and integration of road infraestructure. This includes road sensors that sends data about the environment to vehicles, actuators like connected traffic lights or information panels, intra vehicular sensors or a gateway placed on the car that collects all this data and sends to phone application. In addition to this, NICS Lab has developed the communication protocols and security schemes in order to guarantee the integrity and validity of the received data.

The public presentation of MOTAM Project results has been covered by several communication media.

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