Secure Federation and Interconnection of Cloud Computing Infrastructures

Excellence Project , funded by the Andalusian Government Research Program (P11-TIC-07223)
Duration: 26/03/2013 to 31/03/2018

Project Overview: 

The goal of FISICCO is the development and integration of services for securely federating and interconnecting cloud computing infrastructures, through the extension of existing interconnection architectures and the definition of new connectors. Therefore, FISICCO can be seen as an extension of existing interconnection architectures, that will lead cloud computing to an upper level of interoperability.


The outcomes of FISICCO will enable users of cloud federations to have more control over their applications and data, and to improve privacy and confidentiality. To this end, FISICCO will bring means for obtaining detailed information about the state of users' applications with regards to security policies in place, allowing users to participate in the enforcement, either interactively or through the customization of such policies. At a lower level, FISICCO will allow a dynamic management of the cloud federation and of the trust relations among its members. Additionally, FISICCO will contribute to the integration of monitoring services in order to achieve a federated and integrated solution against attacks and that also could be used for supporting the business model of the cloud federation.