important dates
- NEW Dates
Abstract submission: February 14, 2012 February 24, 2012
Paper submission: February 21, 2012 February 28, 2012
- Notification to authors:
April 9, 2012 - Camera-ready version:
April 27, 2012
- New dates information added
- ISARCS 2012 website is up
September 2011
July 2011
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ISARCS 2012 Call For Papers (click here)
Modern software systems increasingly run in and interact with an
open environment. This characteristic pushes forward the boundaries
of critical system beyond the traditional class of critical
applications. Architecting critical systems is then getting more and
more importance in every application domain. The dependability and
security of these systems must persist when facing both predictable
and unpredictable changes. This calls for effective methods,
techniques and tools for developing, designing, maintaining, and
upgrading critical systems.
This symposium is born as the union of the Workshop on Architecting
Dependable Systems (WADS), the Workshop on the Role of Software
Architecture for Testing and Analysis (ROSATEA), and the Workshop on
Views On Designing Complex Architectures (VODCA).
ISARCS is at the
third edition and it is the perfect venue for exchanging ideas on
both theory and practice for architecting critical systems.
Architecting these systems has the big challenge to guarantee both
the perceived and objective dependability and security even
accepting service degradation. This requires trade-off among the
various attributes of dependability and security that cannot be
considered in isolation.
The aim of ISARCS is to bring together different communities in
order to create a forum in which the different expertise collaborate
in providing a comprehensive view on how to design, develop,
maintain and evolve critical systems from the architectural
We are interested
in submissions from both industry and academia, including, but not
limited to, the following main areas:
New paradigm for designing evolving critical systems: extensible architectural description languages; architectural styles; architectural patterns; architectural support for evolution; integrators (wrappers) for dependability; model-driven development; component based development; aspects oriented development; assurance based development;
Testing and analysis of evolving systems: testing; simulation; inspection techniques; type checking; run-time checks; model-checking; theorem proving; fault injection
Architecting fault-tolerant and evolvable critical systems: tolerating architectural mismatches; redundancy and diversity; survivability; error confinement; monitoring; exception handling; self-healing
Combined approaches for architecting evolving and critical systems: integrated processes; combination of methods; interplay of techniques; integration of analysis techniques; the integration of tools;
Relevant domains with critical systems: critical infrastructures; embedded systems; mobile and ubiquitous systems; automotive systems; avionic systems; e-commerce; e-business; e-government;
Industrial needs: reports about industrial case studies, challenges, problems and solutions
Abstract submission: February 14, 2012 February 24, 2012
Paper submission: February 21, 2012 February 28, 2012
Notification to authors: April 9, 2012
Camera-Ready version: April 27, 2012
Accepted contributions will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
Papers should not exceed 10 pages, must be written in English, and
prepared according to the ACM style (guidelines:
Papers must not have been previously published or currently
submitted elsewhere for publication. If accepted, the paper must be
personally presented at ISARCS 2012 by one author. Submissions will
be made through the EasyChair online submission system